Planning Your Gift
Developing a good plan starts with determining your goals - what
do you want to achieve by giving a gift of firearms? It may be as
simple as allowing for your firearms to be converted into cash that
can then be used to meet today's current challenges and
You may want your firearms to create a charitable gift annuity
that provides a source of income. Or you may desire to place the
gift in your will or trust.
In some cases, advisors may need to help devise a plan with tax
deductions and other considerations for your estate plan. No matter
how simple or complex, we can help you achieve your philanthropic

Current Gifts
Guns you've designated as current gift donations can be converted to cash in a Firearms For Freedom auction and then immediately applied where needed.

Charitable Gift Annuities
The donor transfers firearms to the NRA in exchange for partial tax deduction and a lifetime stream of annual income - thus, both parties benefit.

Estate Gifts
You can create a progressive will or trust or our advisors may suggest an estate plan with tax deductions and other considerations factored in.