Estate Gifts

If you aren't prepared to donate your firearms now, you may want to consider putting a provision in your will or trust. Should you already have such plans in place, a codicil can be added outlining the wishes for your firearms.

If you've yet to put together a will, you're not alone - 65% of adults in America don't have a will or any type of legacy plan in place. Unfortunately though, when you're without a will, you can be sure government is standing at the ready with plans for your estate, including your firearms. And the odds are pretty good that it won't match your own wishes.

Additionally, statistics have shown that a wife will outlive her husband by eight years. But far too often, wives know little about their husband's firearms and thus can be an easy prey during the grieving process.

Protect Your Lifetime Investment

You've worked a lifetime to acquire what you own. Wouldn't you like to have a say in determining where it ends up? If it's important to you that your family and charity receive the bulk of your estate, you better plan today.

As you're making these plans, be sure to think about who will be in charge of your firearms after you're gone and whether they will be comfortable with handling and disposing of them. If not, you may want to evaluate whether a gift prior to your death is more appropriate.



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